By Firma

Let’s welcome what will come

Editorial | 2 min read


It’s an exciting moment here at Firma. After months of collaborative effort, we are lifting the curtain on Forward Thinking, our first ever fully owned content platform on branding and innovation, through articles, insights, interviews, personal points of view and, sooner than later, trend reports.

The Forward Thinking blog and our brand new website are just the tip of the iceberg of something bigger: a year of backstage work that ended up with a clear vision and focus on what do we stand for, how do we keep the innovation flame alive and, at the end of the day, how do we anchor all that into our core agency services.

We believe that combining innovation processes, business strategy and a creative perspective is the way to build successful brands. That’s the formula to help companies reach their constant search of new challenges and opportunities.

We create brands for game changers, we question the status quo in order to do things differently, we challenge our clients to get out of the comfort zone, explore the unknown, discover their own Atlantis in the blue ocean.

After twelve years of talking only through the results of our work (that is, our projects), we feel ready and proud to share the Firma universe with you: ambitious, creative, curious people who believe that business innovation can make the world more responsible, safer, happier… Better, in short. We plan to offer you relevant content, trends analysis and inspiring ideas on what’s off, what’s hot and what’s next. Forward Thinking is here to welcome what will come.

This is just the first iteration of Firma Forward Thinking. It will continue to evolve in the coming months. Your feedback will help us shape its future, so please email us with your thoughts and recommendations. Thanks!

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